Check Out The Beauty of Maths

I do sincerely hope that once your child (and maybe even you, as an adult) starts believing more in the importance of math(s) fundamental skills, you will also come to share my appreciation for the many ways in which math(s) is truly beautiful. Fundamental, basic math(s) is one of very few subjects that is exact. […]

Those best-paying jobs…

I promised to send you the list of best-paying jobs in my last post. In Spring 2014, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) analyzed an annual list obtained from of the worst- and best-paid jobs over a certain period. The report stresses the power and importance of numeracy skills in today’s job market. Both groups of careers led […]

Do you want to know what Math(s) can prepare your child for?

Math(s) can prepare kids for anything they want to do or become. It’s time to inspire, raise, and develop a generation that can fully harness the awesome benefits and versatility of math(s), for tackling global problems requiring analytical thinking, creative thinking, resilience, grit, and critical thinking. In a report published by the Wall Street Journal, […]

Maths is in Demand!

Just name a topic and you can almost find math(s) fundamentals that help anyone to understand or work with that field. Even in everyday life, every regular citizen manages their banking and bills paying; they encounter math(s) and numbers in everything from addresses to train schedules. Mathematics is just part of everyday living—in science and […]

Maths is Cool and Beautiful.

Hello again! 🙂 Maths is cool and beautiful, all by itself.  A lot of what I like about math(s) is the way it solves those every day, real-life problems. If you, your child, or a child you love are thinking about doing any of the following in the future, you are definitely in the right […]

Did You Know About These Important Applications To Maths In Your Everyday Life?

As we all know, mathematics (math(s)) finds its applications in many industries and fields including: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Coding, Data analysis and Database management, Programming, Games and apps development Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Computing and security, Information technology and systems, All forms of Engineering, Equipment design, Banking and Finance, Accounting, Algorithmic design and implementations, Space Science, […]

A Thought About Your Child And Math(s)

Sitting on my sofa, my mind drifts across some of the amazing people I have met and who I grew up with. I smile at the fun stories I had as a child and their childhood fun stories, as well, but fall silent when I remember how many adults and parents have told me that […]

Maths has so many benefits

I feel so strongly about mathy and its benefits. It is easy to dismiss the subject if you find it difficult but I was just thinking about more benefits, on why math(s) is important for your child; and every child. I thought I would share some more with you 🙂 I also shared some from […]

Do you think Math(s) is Cool?

Do you think Math(s) is cool? Try thinking : #Math(s) and when you do, think #Coolkid. Math(s) is cool.. Why? Because the positive results and benefits of coming to grips with math(s) for every child (and, therefore, for you) are immense. They’re beyond just impressing people. For example, below are immediate benefits your child will […]

What Other Benefits Does Getting To Grips With Maths Bring Your Child?

There is a long list of benefits that getting to grips with math(s) can bring your child: Math(s) teaches resilience and cultivates self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth in children It sparks curiosity and develops problem solving skills The ripple effects being the forming of a positive mental attitude, cognitive development Success-bringing habits and numerous life skills that […]

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