Rocket To Infinity



  • Family Board game, space-themed, exciting board game for adults and kids.
  • With 50 Luck Cards and 80 Credit Notes you can use to your advantage, distract your opponent and be the first to reach the magical Symbol and the Infinity Podium in the centre of the board to announce your win!
  • Rocket your way to the magical, with different traps and locks to intimidate players while racing on their way, you are bound to have so much fun.
  • Space themed and with a beautifully illustrated board, and played 2 – 4 players, there is no dull moment in your competing experience
  • Manipulate dice roll values, choose your options wisely, lock up your opponents for as long you can and discover the wonder of numbers.

BeGenio’s Math Vocabulary Card Game will help your child enjoy maths and have a beautiful experience that highlights the ability to reason mathematically, critically and analytically.
This math game will provide your child with an appreciation of the beauty and power of math and sparks enjoyment and curiosity.

Benefits of playing BeGenio’s Math Vocabulary Card Game:

  • Help your child make intelligent and richer connections in developing math skills and fluency, develop smart, mental reasoning and even more competence in solving sophisticated word problems.
  • Apply their mathematical knowledge to the real world, and everyday life, contributing to understand why they do mathematics in school and why they do homework.
  • Understand and use mathematical vocabulary.
  • Secure math foundation because knowing math is key to many/most high paying jobs in this country and any country.
  • Meet the mathematical vocabulary requirement of the curriculum so that they do not suffer from math anxiety or math phobia.
  • Develop fluency in word problems and terms and keywords used in there.
  • Learn the right way to solve word problems and place them in context, in deciding which of the 4 operations to use and understand/be able to explain exactly why.
  • Develop efficient mental methods, and increase confidence at solving number and practical problems that involve foundational math.
  • Aid mental math fluency by being able to interpret word problems CORRECTLY.
  • Develop mathematical fluency as a requirement of the Government Math curriculum in this country (or in every State ) is that children need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematical ideas.
  • Help your child never have to freeze again while doing Math word problems.

Race To Infinity Shapes Edition

R2I Math Tricks Card Game

Rocket To Infinity

Math Vocab Card Game