Why On Earth Would Anyone Want To Do Further Maths Anyway?

Why would someone study higher maths or further maths? You know, I strongly believe that, if you are good at mathematics, you will be able to do everything else.

The fact is that employers will always need the help of people who are good at maths.
Mathematics supports logical thinking, analytical thinking and critical thinking, and helps us comprehend the world where we are living in. Skills that are very useful for any career path and just life really!

We can compare maths with a language, but in a different form, just like English language and grammar. If you know the basics, you can expand your knowledge fast.
For many people, mentioning maths puts a grimace on their face, but the fact is that maths is actually entertaining and fun.

It is one of the most useful subjects taught, however it can be quite challenging. So, why miss the opportunity to be involved in something interesting, challenging and useful?
Those who work in popular technological companies can actually change the world with Maths. Maths provides the foundation and ability to come up with new solutions, discoveries and to shape our lives and the world the way we want it. We also help our families and humanity too with Maths.

Google and other internet companies use Maths to create search algorithms that help us search for accurate information.
There is a huge number of companies looking for people with maths majors. This means that people with Maths majors have options – lots of options, and can choose where they want to work or what they want to become.

Mathematics is the basis of many different sciences. In other words, a person studying a Maths major will always have a chance to choose how to upgrade their knowledge because they will already have the basic knowledge.
Just think about it. Chemists, bridge builders, programmers, analysts, doctors, engineers, dentists and so on – these are some of the professions anyone good at maths can choose from.

For instance, there are people who are using maths to analyse the information about the concentration of drugs in patients. Thanks to this analysis they come up with the right dosage of drugs that need to be used in specific patients.
People who are good at analysing numbers from the stock exchange are very well paid on Wall Street, in the City of London, and several other countries. Cyber security, homeland security and algorithmic research are some of the other areas where advanced maths is used.

Analysing large-scale data and processing are key activities in analysis roles and it is almost impossible to find a solution for problems like this if one doesn’t have good training and knowledge in mathematics.

There are people who are working on nuclear weapons research, but if they don’t have a solid foundation in maths, they would not even have gotten a chance to apply for these jobs.
Maths can be useful even for people who are working in organizations and institutions focused on elimination of diseases. The use of mathematical models is crucial for their research. Those who find maths interesting have made their own luck because the use of maths can only increase in the future, with the advancement of technology.

The fact is that people with different interests and people with different plans for their future will find mathematics equally useful. Maths can help you regardless of your choice. The reason is simple – maths gives you more chances when it comes to career choices. If your child chooses to focus on higher maths, he/she could have any of many careers in future – an engineer, a physicist working on nuclear weapons and everything surrounding it, a scientist, a chemist and so on.

To be honest, maths can be difficult and even experienced mathematicians can confirm this; but so is swimming when you first start learning, or learning to ride a bicycle. However, this difficulty also makes maths attractive. It practically encourages and stimulates people to look for solutions, which is a very important life skill.
Coping with problems and challenges is something that each of us should do.

Maths certainly requires a lot of patience and dedication, but the end results are amazing.
It is definitely worth your time and efforts. I meet many adults who tell me they are sorry that they didn’t take more maths when they were younger.

Please do not think that maths is only for the people with exceptional intelligence. This is not some kind of natural talent. Great maths skills is available for everyone.
It is quite natural to be a little bit frustrated, but you or you child will certainly start loving it after a while, if you persevere. It will make you feel better and you will be happy whenever you find a solution to the mathematical problem that is bothering you. It gives an incredible feeling of great success
Solving crossword puzzles and playing Sudoku is a favorite pastime for many people. You can think about maths as one of these activities, but on a higher and more interesting level.
According to a study conducted not while ago, the 15 most profitable careers for graduates have only one thing in common and that’s maths. In other words, if your child finds some of these jobs attractive you must be good at mathematics.

What is important to understand is that there are different levels of knowledge and when it comes to maths and we can’t say that you can have too much knowledge. The more you know, practise and use mathematics, the better.

It is a fact that people that have brilliant maths skills and have a job where they can use mathematics, often work with other similar people. Many find they are involved in activities that can make our world a better place. These jobs are interesting and useful. They’re definitely not the sort of jobs that make people just stare at the time and wish it will be home time soon. They are not the sort of jobs people do for the sake of a salary. The problems they need to solve make them excited and they are glad they are going to work. Of course, as we said before, these jobs are well-paid too which is another positive thing. So, does the idea of your child getting a good salary and a chance to work in an interesting job excite you?

There is more than one reason why you should be interested in your child getting good at maths. Maths gives more chances for more brilliant options for the future.