How Long Should Children Be Spending in Front of a Screen?

This is really is the million-dollar question!

Researchers are urging parents to limit screen time for their children, as it leaves room for losses in the natural developmental process of a child. Here’s what the experts say.

“All it does is teach them to be dependent on the screen for instant gratification… They are not developing the capacity to use their creative intelligence. Without a doubt, problem-solving is a cumulative skill that gives a child a sense of inner power.” ~ Sharma Olfman

Psychologist Sharna Olfman, says if she had her way children under seven would spend a maximum of an hour a day in front of any screen, including educational software.

“Parents and professionals have observed children who say they are bored a lot. They have trouble becoming deeply engaged in unstructured activities. They lack creativity and imagination and experience difficulty in playing cooperatively with others or resolving conflicts without aggression.” ~ Dr Levin

Dr. Levin further goes on to say, “I would stress that establishing carefully thought out rules and routines for screen time and gadgets is vital, and less is usually better. Also keep in mind that, for many children, the more they use them, the more they will need them, which can set up a never-ending cycle of increasing dependence.”

No researcher is saying we have to eliminate gadgets that save time and make our lives easier. Rather, they stress using them in moderation and with an awareness of potential developmental short-cutting.

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