How to Find and Use the Right One for Your Child

“Even though you’re growing up, you should never stop having fun.” ~ Nina Dobrev~ “Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.” ~Michael Jordan~ Today I want to focus on how to choose appropriate games that perform some sort of “math(s) magic.” In other words, games that somewhat produce extraordinary math(s) results when children play it. […]

Which Children Will Benefit From Math(s) Gamification?

Previously I have discussed the many benefits of having fun by playing maths board games.  As a parent the underlying question we want to know is if your child would benefit from Math(s) gamification? Here are a few pointers to help you make an informed decision. Does your child need to build more self-confidence and […]

Real Life Story of Games Being Used to Teach and the Phenomenal Results

I talk frequently about the amazing results playing a game can have on a child’s learning, however, it is not until the results are visible that it becomes reality just how important learning through play is in a child’s development. Here is just one real story where we can resonate the long term benefits of […]

Check out an Amazing way to Bond with your Child

Playing board games together presents chances for other family members to play as a group. Develop social skills such as social interaction, taking turns, waiting, seeing things from another person’s perspective, increasing your child’s attention span, teaching resilience and to not give up easily. It encourages thinking and not just doing things for doing’s sake. […]

Why you Should Play Board Games with Children

So what does make board games so special? Board games give so many hours of incredible fun with friends and family.  When you play a board game it involves more players in real life; not just playing together on a screen but interacting with others all the time, having a positive influence on socialization and […]

How Long Should Children Be Spending in Front of a Screen?

This is really is the million-dollar question! Researchers are urging parents to limit screen time for their children, as it leaves room for losses in the natural developmental process of a child. Here’s what the experts say. “All it does is teach them to be dependent on the screen for instant gratification… They are not […]

An Easy Way to Prevent Bad Behaviour in Children

When children play it is lovely to see enjoyment and smiles on their faces.  Numerous research findings by experts suggest that children who play a lot during their childhood grow up to become intelligent, happy adults. The New York Times Magazine reported that quite a reasonable number of scientists view play as “a central part of […]

Play Learning Through Games

The real way to learn is through play, but do you do this with your child? Over the past couple of decades, I discovered the hidden truths about the best way to incorporate the right types of math(s) games. That is why I put together my findings in the Race To Infinity™ game. My next […]

Is There A Maths Game You Can Play With Your Child?

Can you imagine improving math(s) through playing an entertaining game? Can you imagine a game your child will ask you to play over and over again? Imagine that this game actually exists because I put all the knowledge gathered over the years and jam packed it into a simple and easy to play game, enjoyed […]

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