BeGenio Kickstarter George Connolly writes about his visit to the London Toy Fair this week

BeGenio is very lucky to have three Kickstart placements working alongside us and one of them, George Connolly, went along to the London Toy Fair this week to help spread the word about our games and resources. He wrote the following and we are very happy to share his thoughts about that day: “The Toy […]

Independent Toy Awards 2020 – Educational Games – BeGenio Wins Silver!

We were delighted to learn that we had been awarded winner of the Silver medal in Toy Shop UK‘s Independant Toy Awards in the Educational Game category. ‘Now in their 13th year, the Independent Toy Awards enjoy unrivalled respect within the industry, thanks to being voted for – not by “experts”, “testers” or “panels” – […]

Yet Another Real Life Story on the Magical Learning Results when Playing Games with Children

In my previous blog, I talked about a real-life story but this is not just a solitary example, it is truly amazing how playing fun games can positively affect a child’s learning. Here’s another great example… Geetha Ramani (University of Maryland) and Robert Siegler (Carnegie Mellon University) conducted some research in with preschool children on […]

Board games, Oh Wow, There are Even More Benefits!

In my last blog, I started telling you about the benefits of playing board games with your child. I want to take this a little further with you, so I am sharing even more generic benefits. Board games are a great escape route from the worries of life, bringing more happiness and joy.  Through play, […]

What are the Massive Benefits that Come with Playing a Board Game for you and your Child?

The benefits of playing a board game are two-fold for an adult and child, but what are they? The list is endless… Playing board games helps families and friends build incredible memories to look back on with great joy and smiles later in life.  The longevity of play and repeat play helps players notice patterns, […]

Check out an Amazing way to Bond with your Child

Playing board games together presents chances for other family members to play as a group. Develop social skills such as social interaction, taking turns, waiting, seeing things from another person’s perspective, increasing your child’s attention span, teaching resilience and to not give up easily. It encourages thinking and not just doing things for doing’s sake. […]

Why you Should Play Board Games with Children

So what does make board games so special? Board games give so many hours of incredible fun with friends and family.  When you play a board game it involves more players in real life; not just playing together on a screen but interacting with others all the time, having a positive influence on socialization and […]


In society today there are so many screens to view, with continual technology updates and introduction on the latest gadget to the market it is continuing to grow.  Pause for a second and think, how many screens do you have in your house? Video games, TV, smartphone games, and computer games are all easy to […]

Creativity has Been Declining in Children – What is the Cure?

Recent research shows that children’s creativity has been declining over the years. Some experts are referring to it as the “creativity crisis”. So, what is the cure to the creativity crisis? Here are some helpful tips to get you going in the right direction: Ensure electronic media-related activities are limited. Involve your children in creative […]

How is Passive Learning Leading to more Inadequate Problem-solving Skills for Children?

Firstly we need to establish what is meant by passive learning in maths.  A prime example of this is digital clocks. They allow us to show young children how to tell the time as soon as they know their numbers, however, this extra convenience may also be coming at a developmental cost. Do we lose anything […]

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