Benefits of Games Generally for Your Child’s Math(s) Skills

Everyone loves to play fun games, whether they are young or old you can enjoy together.  What are the underlying benefits of games generally for your childs math skills? Games are a very crucial tool for children’s learning. That is, they are learning, but they think they are playing,  teaching math(s) concepts at home without […]

Board games, Oh Wow, There are Even More Benefits!

In my last blog, I started telling you about the benefits of playing board games with your child. I want to take this a little further with you, so I am sharing even more generic benefits. Board games are a great escape route from the worries of life, bringing more happiness and joy.  Through play, […]

What are the Massive Benefits that Come with Playing a Board Game for you and your Child?

The benefits of playing a board game are two-fold for an adult and child, but what are they? The list is endless… Playing board games helps families and friends build incredible memories to look back on with great joy and smiles later in life.  The longevity of play and repeat play helps players notice patterns, […]

Help your Child Develop Soft Skills that their Future Employers are Looking for

In my previous blog, I briefly spoke about Soft Skills, let me tell you some more… Children’s emotional and social skills need to be nurtured so they can deal with and relate to others better.  With good social skills, children will be able to navigate their way better in this demanding world and have good […]

Creativity has Been Declining in Children – What is the Cure?

Recent research shows that children’s creativity has been declining over the years. Some experts are referring to it as the “creativity crisis”. So, what is the cure to the creativity crisis? Here are some helpful tips to get you going in the right direction: Ensure electronic media-related activities are limited. Involve your children in creative […]

Play Learning Through Games

The real way to learn is through play, but do you do this with your child? Over the past couple of decades, I discovered the hidden truths about the best way to incorporate the right types of math(s) games. That is why I put together my findings in the Race To Infinity™ game. My next […]

Overcoming Mathematical Anxiety

Ways On How To Overcome Maths Anxiety How to effectively overcome maths anxiety? To enable us to overcome math(s) anxiety problems in kids, we need to have a full and clear picture of the underlying problems and how they manifest in real lives; ‘a cliff view at tackling the real challenge by zooming in’.  This […]

Breaking Down The Maths Support Problem From Your Perspective

As I said in my last blog, problems can only be solved when we really understand the problem. Let’s look at these from your point of view as a parent. Do you have any of these problems? Too many parents: Are afraid of math(s) themselves, and don’t know how to help their children. Are worried […]

What Do We Do About The Key Issues And How To Easily Solve Math(s) Problems?

From first-hand experience, extensive study, interaction with children, parents, and teachers worldwide, I have managed to identify key problems, all of which lead to mathematical anxiety: Too many children hate the subject of math(s), based on how it was taught or how they remember it. Children do not see the point in doing math(s) and […]

The Perceived Problem With Math(s) is this…

IT IS REALLY UNFORTUNATE that math(s) has somehow achieved for itself a boring, awful, and tedious poor image in the eyes of both children and adults. It is such a shame that so many children suffer from math(s) anxiety unnecessarily, some of which are as young as five and six years old!  A recent national survey […]

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