The Perceived Problem With Math(s) is this…

IT IS REALLY UNFORTUNATE that math(s) has somehow achieved for itself a boring, awful, and tedious poor image in the eyes of both children and adults.

It is such a shame that so many children suffer from math(s) anxiety unnecessarily, some of which are as young as five and six years old!  A recent national survey showed on average, that up to half of school children have high levels of math(s) anxiety.

Maths Anxiety is happening and poses a threat to the development and advancement of our children.  Furthermore, many children carry this anxiety into their adult life.

Children grow up with the possibility of experiencing mind and mental blocks in the area of maths(s).  This trend inadvertently can then be passed on to their children or to others they come in contact with.

Can you relate to this?  If you are a yes, then reading this book will explain the principles and steps that would help increase your child’s confidence, thus making math(s) more enjoyable and fun for all!

It is not uncommon to hear parents express their own concerns about math(s):

  • they do not like math(s)
  • they did not enjoy the math(s) lessons at school
  • they performed badly at math(s) in school
  • Maths anxiety is global in nature, it is not isolated to specific geographical areas, gender or an economic status it can affect us all.

I am going to share a simple solution in my next blog; honestly, it’s really simple.

If you can relate to any points in this blog and would like my help.   Just click here to arrange a complimentary 30-minute call.