There is no Better Time Than Now!

There is no quick fix to the practical changes that we need, they will not happen overnight. It’s the same principle as everything in life, time and patience are needed to see the rewards.

For example; when my children are not sure how to tackle a large challenge, it is overwhelming and they are not sure where to start.  I tell them it is just the same as eating a large cow: you simply do every task just one bite at a time!

Understanding math(s) and gaining confidence in doing math(s) follows the same principle. It is a step-wise process:

  1. bit by bit
  2. precept by precept
  3. skill by skill

It is a worthy ongoing commitment until every child grows stronger and more confident like every sports player does, and before long, you will start to see the results of the effort and time that has been put in, PROBLEM SOLVED!

Don’t forget it’s just as important to keep that momentum going!

I appreciate sometimes it is easier said than done, do you know how/where to start?  If not why not take the opportunity of the complimentary 30-minute call with me, book here. Let’s make time for a chat!