An Easy Way to Prevent Bad Behaviour in Children

When children play it is lovely to see enjoyment and smiles on their faces.  Numerous research findings by experts suggest that children who play a lot during their childhood grow up to become intelligent, happy adults. The New York Times Magazine reported that quite a reasonable number of scientists view play as “a central part of […]

What is Maths Anxiety?

A wrong perspective about math(s) as well as persistent math(s) problems and challenges can lead to math(s) anxiety if not checked. Math(s) anxiety refers to the feeling of anxiety caused by: The mere thought of doing or solving math(s), The process of attending or sitting in math(s) lessons or courses, and Doing homework, sitting math(s) […]

The Mindset Issue – Does Your Child Have This Problem?

I always say ‘a problem is half-solved when we understand the problem.’ When math(s) is involved, a real problem that shows up for many children is the mindset. The problem with the mindset is discussed more extensively later on in this book. For now, I would attempt to discuss in greater detail how the problems […]

There is no Better Time Than Now!

There is no quick fix to the practical changes that we need, they will not happen overnight. It’s the same principle as everything in life, time and patience are needed to see the rewards. For example; when my children are not sure how to tackle a large challenge, it is overwhelming and they are not […]

What Rules The Universe?

“Number rules the universe.” ~  Pythagoras Did you ever stop and wonder why words can express only so much?  Numbers and their mathematical relationships are wonderful ways in which we understand where we live better and how we do things. In the world we live in so many aspects of our daily lives are quantifiable, one […]

Those best-paying jobs…

I promised to send you the list of best-paying jobs in my last post. In Spring 2014, The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) analyzed an annual list obtained from of the worst- and best-paid jobs over a certain period. The report stresses the power and importance of numeracy skills in today’s job market. Both groups of careers led […]

Do you want to know what Math(s) can prepare your child for?

Math(s) can prepare kids for anything they want to do or become. It’s time to inspire, raise, and develop a generation that can fully harness the awesome benefits and versatility of math(s), for tackling global problems requiring analytical thinking, creative thinking, resilience, grit, and critical thinking. In a report published by the Wall Street Journal, […]

Maths is in Demand!

Just name a topic and you can almost find math(s) fundamentals that help anyone to understand or work with that field. Even in everyday life, every regular citizen manages their banking and bills paying; they encounter math(s) and numbers in everything from addresses to train schedules. Mathematics is just part of everyday living—in science and […]

Maths is Cool and Beautiful.

Hello again! 🙂 Maths is cool and beautiful, all by itself.  A lot of what I like about math(s) is the way it solves those every day, real-life problems. If you, your child, or a child you love are thinking about doing any of the following in the future, you are definitely in the right […]

Did You Know About These Important Applications To Maths In Your Everyday Life?

As we all know, mathematics (math(s)) finds its applications in many industries and fields including: Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, Coding, Data analysis and Database management, Programming, Games and apps development Cryptography, Cybersecurity, Computing and security, Information technology and systems, All forms of Engineering, Equipment design, Banking and Finance, Accounting, Algorithmic design and implementations, Space Science, […]

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