Which Children Will Benefit From Math(s) Gamification?

Previously I have discussed the many benefits of having fun by playing maths board games.  As a parent the underlying question we want to know is if your child would benefit from Math(s) gamification? Here are a few pointers to help you make an informed decision. Does your child need to build more self-confidence and […]

Benefits of Games Generally for Your Child’s Math(s) Skills

Everyone loves to play fun games, whether they are young or old you can enjoy together.  What are the underlying benefits of games generally for your childs math skills? Games are a very crucial tool for children’s learning. That is, they are learning, but they think they are playing,  teaching math(s) concepts at home without […]

Board games, Oh Wow, There are Even More Benefits!

In my last blog, I started telling you about the benefits of playing board games with your child. I want to take this a little further with you, so I am sharing even more generic benefits. Board games are a great escape route from the worries of life, bringing more happiness and joy.  Through play, […]

How is Passive Learning Leading to more Inadequate Problem-solving Skills for Children?

Firstly we need to establish what is meant by passive learning in maths.  A prime example of this is digital clocks. They allow us to show young children how to tell the time as soon as they know their numbers, however, this extra convenience may also be coming at a developmental cost. Do we lose anything […]

Should We Worry About Certain Types of Play?

There certainly is a reason to worry about certain types of play. Diane Levin, PhD, writes, “Beginning in infancy, children are bombarded with noise and electronic stimulation. This interferes with their ability to engage in play that promotes optimal development, learning, social skills, and conflict resolution.” It could make them miss out on the joy […]

Positive Statements You Can Easily Adopt To Encourage Your Child To Want To Do More Math(s)

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, we are all keen to help children do well and there are many ways which we can do this.  One of which is speaking positively about maths, positivity helps the mindset in doing so increasing maths confidence and at the end of the day it is a win-win situation. Here […]

An Open-Minded Approach is the Overall Solution for Global Math(s) Problems

Keeping an open mind and having the right mindset are the prerequisites for finding real math(s) solutions.   I am going to share some thoughts to debunk some myths and notions surrounding parents’ beliefs and psychology. There are several myths surrounding the learning of math(s), the most common are: Some people were born with ‘math(s) brains’ […]

Overcoming Mathematical Anxiety

Ways On How To Overcome Maths Anxiety How to effectively overcome maths anxiety? To enable us to overcome math(s) anxiety problems in kids, we need to have a full and clear picture of the underlying problems and how they manifest in real lives; ‘a cliff view at tackling the real challenge by zooming in’.  This […]

The Mindset Issue – Does Your Child Have This Problem?

I always say ‘a problem is half-solved when we understand the problem.’ When math(s) is involved, a real problem that shows up for many children is the mindset. The problem with the mindset is discussed more extensively later on in this book. For now, I would attempt to discuss in greater detail how the problems […]

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