Benefits of Math(s) Gamification for You As The Parent

I have spoken in great detail about the benefits of math(s) gamification for children, but they are not the only people to gain from creative play, adults can too!   How? As a parent/guardian you are contributing to your child’s math(s) attainment levels, ability, and fluency.    The 4-Week Deep Play Value Math(s) Method doesn’t need […]

Which Children Will Benefit From Math(s) Gamification?

Previously I have discussed the many benefits of having fun by playing maths board games.  As a parent the underlying question we want to know is if your child would benefit from Math(s) gamification? Here are a few pointers to help you make an informed decision. Does your child need to build more self-confidence and […]

Creativity has Been Declining in Children – What is the Cure?

Recent research shows that children’s creativity has been declining over the years. Some experts are referring to it as the “creativity crisis”. So, what is the cure to the creativity crisis? Here are some helpful tips to get you going in the right direction: Ensure electronic media-related activities are limited. Involve your children in creative […]

How is Passive Learning Leading to more Inadequate Problem-solving Skills for Children?

Firstly we need to establish what is meant by passive learning in maths.  A prime example of this is digital clocks. They allow us to show young children how to tell the time as soon as they know their numbers, however, this extra convenience may also be coming at a developmental cost. Do we lose anything […]

7 Quick Things you Need to Know as a Parent Around Myths

We want to share with you some key tips that relate to mindset. First and foremost there is no such thing as a ‘math(s) person’ or a ‘math(s) brain’. It is essential for both adults and children to be more comfortable with math(s), to improve math(s) skills. There is time to help your child, today […]

An Open-Minded Approach is the Overall Solution for Global Math(s) Problems

Keeping an open mind and having the right mindset are the prerequisites for finding real math(s) solutions.   I am going to share some thoughts to debunk some myths and notions surrounding parents’ beliefs and psychology. There are several myths surrounding the learning of math(s), the most common are: Some people were born with ‘math(s) brains’ […]

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