7 Quick Things you Need to Know as a Parent Around Myths

We want to share with you some key tips that relate to mindset. First and foremost there is no such thing as a ‘math(s) person’ or a ‘math(s) brain’. It is essential for both adults and children to be more comfortable with math(s), to improve math(s) skills.

There is time to help your child, today time can be precious and for many, it can be a juggling act, however, we always find time for things that matter, therefore we can also make time for each child’s math(s) support.

It is important to face up to any personal concerns and fears surrounding math(s) learning.  Making math(s) a priority for every child is of great value, however, this is not to suggest that other subjects or things are not important, but rather to emphasise the need for math(s) to be pretty high up the list.

Endeavour to help your child understand that intelligence is malleable. The brain is a muscle—the more exercise we do with it, the more it can perform better.

It is important for parents, guardians, and supervisors to understand the power of words. Comments such as, “I am not a math(s) person,” or “I’m terrible at math(s)” should not be used. You can tell them this, for instance: “Mummy is going to be learning it all over again with you.” or similar, to have a much more positive impact than, “It’s okay. Don’t worry. Mummy was terrible at math(s), as well.”

Continually help every child boost their self-esteem and self-belief. It is necessary to encourage them to improve their math(s) skills and never to give up.

We have had tremendous results from our parents and children math(s) games confidence workshops. Since it is difficult to support what we ourselves do not believe in, a common trend observed in many countries of the world today is that parents, tutors and guardians now frequently attend math(s) workshops in order to better develop techniques that help improve the performances of their students and children.

We would love to help if you have fears or anxieties regarding math(s) and are offering a free 30-minute call so we can help you and your children, click here to schedule your appointment.