Positive Statements You Can Easily Adopt To Encourage Your Child To Want To Do More Math(s)

Parents, Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles, we are all keen to help children do well and there are many ways which we can do this.  One of which is speaking positively about maths, positivity helps the mindset in doing so increasing maths confidence and at the end of the day it is a win-win situation.

Here are 7 positive statements you can adopt to help your child succeed; remember every little bit helps, this list is not exhaustless, the statements will give you the initial step in the right direction.

  1. “You just need confidence–knowing you CAN do it.”
  2. “You’ll be smarter! And people will wonder how smart you’ve become and look at you in amazement.”
  3. “Math(s) will enhance your buying experience in shops in receiving change.”
  4. “You will benefit from more support from your parents or guardians.”
  5. “Math(s) helps you identify good deals.”
  6. “You will be happier at school because you will find math(s) easier.”
  7. “Gives you more opportunities in life–you CAN decide to be whatever you want to be without having to consider a weakness in math(s).”

If you would like to know more, just click here and arrange a 30-minute call, giving you the opportunity to utilise my extensive experience on a 1-2-1 basis.