The Mindset Issue – Does Your Child Have This Problem?

I always say ‘a problem is half-solved when we understand the problem.’

When math(s) is involved, a real problem that shows up for many children is the mindset. The problem with the mindset is discussed more extensively later on in this book. For now, I would attempt to discuss in greater detail how the problems manifest from two different perspectives. Consider the challenges and problems in the following section.

Challenges and Problems—From a Child’s Perspective
Too many children dislike math(s)and find it a boring chore, math(s) without fun (in school lessons) and as an abstract set of rules
Some basics maths missed and are struggling to catch up
Do not see the point in doing math(s), and its relevance as well as application in everyday life
Lack in their own confidence that they can excel at doing math(s)
Do not have adequate resources at home, allowing for a fun learning experience

Can you relate to the above?  Would you like some guidance, click here to book a free 30-minute chat.

Yes, I mentioned from two perspectives, the second will be revealed in my next blog, until then.