Do you want to know what Math(s) can prepare your child for?

Math(s) can prepare kids for anything they want to do or become.

It’s time to inspire, raise, and develop a generation that can fully harness the awesome benefits and versatility of math(s), for tackling global problems requiring analytical thinking, creative thinking, resilience, grit, and critical thinking.

In a report published by the Wall Street Journal, which analysed an annual list from of the worst- and best-paid jobs over a certain period.  The report stresses the power and importance of numeracy skills in today’s job market.

“It’s no secret that quantitative skills are in high demand on the job market—one analytics recruiter recently told the Journal that workers who can’t crunch numbers may ultimately face a ‘permanent pink slip.” ~ Wall Street Journal

“Maths skills unlock a world of career opportunities.”  ~ Tony Lee[i]

The full list, study details, and methodology are available at The following shows the top ten job positions, according to the findings of the article. The positions stress the power of numeracy in the jobs market today.

Number skills are not solely classroom-based, they are a valuable life skill, helping you succeed every day. 

If the thought of maths makes you and/or your child feel a little anxious.  Let us help you extinguish any anxieties and let’s get a 15-minute call in the diary, I have many hints and tips to make learning math(s) fun, a day at a time! Make your free appointment with me here.

As always,

