Did You Know About These Important Applications To Maths In Your Everyday Life?

As we all know, mathematics (math(s)) finds its applications in many industries and fields including:

  1. Artificial Intelligence and Robotics,
  2. Coding,
  3. Data analysis and Database management,
  4. Programming, Games and apps development
  5. Cryptography,
  6. Cybersecurity,
  7. Computing and security,
  8. Information technology and systems,
  9. All forms of Engineering,
  10. Equipment design,
  11. Banking and Finance,
  12. Accounting,
  13. Algorithmic design and implementations,
  14. Space Science,
  15. Medicine,
  16. All Sciences really!

These are all great careers that your child will be able to pursue IF you make sure math(s) isn’t a struggle.

If you want your child to excel in life, study for a career they want, we must make sure we take care of any math(s) problems first; to ensure it is not a hindrance. I have heard too many heartbreaking stories. I will talk some more about this in future.

For now, some other examples of real-life applications of maths are in building aircraft, computers, mobile phones, ipads, social media platforms (e.g, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc), satellite systems, space systems, radar, and navigation systems. How useful is it to get around to places quickly and effectively?

How important is doing so, especially during traffic diversions, accidents, natural disasters, and road works? How useful and helpful is the satellite navigation system “Satnavs” or Global positioning system “GPS” in our cars, mobile phones, or modern aircraft?

Did you know that in order to venture into such applications, there is a great need for the basic understanding of math(s) fundamentals and acquiring basic numeracy skills?

Good news! You can make a significant positive difference for your child’s future by … playing the game of maths, in a FUN way. How easy is that? Now you are one step away from making a real difference.

The next step? Let’s talk! You can book a free appointment with me here. 

