Why you Should Play Board Games with Children

So what does make board games so special?
Board games give so many hours of incredible fun with friends and family.  When you play a board game it involves more players in real life; not just playing together on a screen but interacting with others all the time, having a positive influence on socialization and teamwork skills
Amazing entertainment and amusement, through friendly teasing and healthy competition
The excitement, squealing and laughing from the belly with a great appetite to win or succeed
Respect others, as they wait to take turns
Any player can change the conditions of play, making the child think and figure out a better winning strategy
Stimulates healthy competitive traits
Teaches a child how to figure out personal ideas and solutions
All of these are crucial for success in the real world.

We all agree that spending more time together as a family is so important in a world where we spend a lot of time in separate rooms, doing separate things. More often than not, usually on screens. Most households do not create the necessary time, and it is therefore easy to forget about the all-important bonding time generated from doing things together; especially the things that create such joyful memories and keep our children close together. For parents and guardians, the memories of togetherness will bind families together emotionally, especially when children leave home.

Making time now is a longterm investment in a child’s future.

If you have any questions, just click here and let’s talk.